These landscapes worked out well. I've been working on technique and trying to think about shots more thanks to my wife's input. We've had some somewhat heated conversations about technique and she convinced me to stop thinking totally like an artist and to think more technichally. Hopefully these reflect that. Lots more to come.
These pictures were taken in and on the way to California last week. I think they really capture a good feel for each of my family members. More are to come and there are some really cute ones of Corbin. Don't begin to think I forgot him.
Well it's dead but I finally fulfilled a dream to find THE Joshua Tree over spring break. It was such a great experience. The kids and I drove for 19 hours to find it and it was a beautiful drive. Next time I will be sure to take three days instead of one. When we got there the kids were freaking out. I had to get Sis out of the car as she was asleep and the boys just went running. We had a fly over by an F-16 out of Edwards Air Force base and I brought some of the dirt home around it (I spread some of the dirt in our garden so now I feel like I'm partaking of part of a rock 'n' roll icon when I eat the salsa I made out of the tomatoes from the garden. Yeah...I'm a geek).
The best part was sharing that adventure with my kids. Next time Zabreskie Point in death valley.
Hello everyone. I have uploaded new songs over at Please go check them out and see what you think. I unfortunately can not for the life of me figure out how to link them up here even though they are mine. Search under Justin Harris and it will be the one from Flagstaff as I lived there when I got signed up and have never lived in the UK.
Update: This is now easy. Check on my Facebook page and I have uploaded MP3's. Stay tuned and I will be adding more.
I'm passing on the torch for a fun summer tradition in the Harris Family. And I got some good motion shots in addition. These are for Jon Harris, Jentry Harris, Dathan Walker, Jared Kasl, Austin Matheny and Mark Tingey.
Most of these are shots from our time living in Flagstaff. The last though is on the road to The Joshua Tree on I-190. Our oldest saw the road disappearing which, although I understand the illusion, has entranced me since I was his age.
I've always had a fascination with the idea of Guardian Angels. I don't know that we each have one per say but I do believe that angels watch over us. Let me be clear that I don't believe they have swords or wear Egyptian looking garb. I'm sure they look just like you or me. Anyway this one has been on my lyrics book for years and I felt it deserved a proper treatment for years of good service.