Saturday, May 30, 2015

Phoenix Comicon 2015

Finally made it down the yellow brick road to the Phoenix Comicon. It was great fun. I was amazed by just how big it was and how many people there are in geekdom. One thought, if all the good people at Comicon spent half the time they spent on their costumes, helping others instead this world would be a much better place. Alright, off my soap box, here are the pics.

Formidable Fleet

These are the wheels that comic book characters reach their destinations in.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Beautiful Day On The Links

A few weeks ago the organization I work for held a golf tournament. The day started drizzly and by 8:30am turned into one of the most beautiful days I've ever sen in Arizona. I'm not a golfer but I now understand, a little bit, why people do it.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

March - Reavis Ranch

7.5 mile hike into Reavis Ranch and it seems like half of it is switchbacks. While that isn't literally the case the hike is very worth the beauty of getting to the destination.