I heard a great program on NPR yesterday. It was talking about the scientific proofs that are being sought after for God. A young man who was an Atheist and from Israel called in and talked about how his friends were Mormon and how he felt a prompting to go to the Temple in Boston and about the transformative experience that he had there and how it caused him to believe and become a member of the LDS faith. These types of conversion stories are always so inspiring to me. Belief is such a personal and hard thing to wrap ones mind around.
I've had a few Atheist friends and I get it. Sometimes I really struggle with doubt and believing. But I've felt my saviours love for me. And I choose to believe that he does exists and loves us. Loves me.
Here's to hoping that whatever belief we have, be it in Christ, Allah, Buddah or whatever it may be, we can be sincere and love those around us and strive for goodness. If God is looking down on us, as I believe He is, I'm sure that is what He really wants from His children.
Thanks Justin.