Sunday, September 20, 2009

La Push and Hoh Rainforest, WA

The past four days staying in and traveling on excursions out of Seattle have been fabulous. Here are just a few of the great pictures that manifest themselves while we were out. Many more to come. Photographers paradise, really!!


  1. I love the one of the girls and the one of the guys...also the perspective in the one with your parents...awesome!

  2. I like the one of your parents but the watermark kills it. You've really really got to get rid of that thing. Some of your photos are so beautiful, but all I can see are the words across the middle!

  3. Then it's doing it's job. I don't want to have anyone be able to take my work. I keep copies with and without the watermark. Would you suggest another way? I'd be interested in your ideas.
