Friday, June 29, 2012

DC: Arlington Cemetery Part III

This was one of the most beautiful things I've had the honor of witnessing. You want to to talk about real reverence for something? These guys exuded it. Hattie and I had the opportunity of sitting by a soldier named Robert Neidlinger who was on the Honor guard in 1989 as far as I could tell from his paperwork. He told us that this ceremony is conducted 24 hours a day 365 days a year although not always in this format. The soldiers change guard every half hour. I also found out from a documentary I watched about this group that the group is very elite and they dedicate a year of their lives to the Guard.

Sergeant Neidlinger explained to us that they do this out of honor for the soldiers who died without being honored and for their families who have no grave to visit to mourn their death. The original tomb of the unknown soldier houses a soldier from WWI and soldiers are buried throughout the cemetery who represent each of the major U.S. wars.

He also told us that you cant imagine how cold it is in the middle of the winter in the dead of night and that you also can't imagine how beautiful it is to see a sunrise over the nations capitol while guarding the tomb. He had to memorize the whole history of the program to qualify. The ceremony is meticulous and painstakingly slow, purposefully, to show their respect for the unknowns.

Another great reminder of what our great country is really about. Let's all slow down and show more respect for what we do and value the lives we live. Be great at what you do and honor those that made it possible to do it by giving their lives.

Thank you Sergeant Neidlinger for taking the time to help a couple American citizens appreciate this ceremony better.

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